School Health Management - Health Portal

Health Portal Home Page

All the functions described here are based on your district’s configuration of the Frontline Health Portal. For any additional information regarding the Health Portal, please contact your school district directly.


Portal User Information
Refer to the article Working With the Daily COVID-19 Health Check Questionnaire for more information about the "Daily Health Check(s) For" banner.

Selecting Records to View

If you have access to profiles for multiple people (for example, if you have multiple students or if you are a staff member with a student), use the Select Person field above the Portal User Information to change your view to another person’s information. The Portal User Information panel will list details for the selected person.

Adding/Assigning Students to Your Account

If you are a parent/guardian, you will need to add your students. (If you’re staff, you only need to complete this procedure if you are also a parent/guardian.)

  • Click Add Person to open the Add Person box.
  • Enter the student’s Last Name, Student ID, and Student BirthDate.
  • Click Register.
  • Repeat this for each student you will add.

Working with the To Do List

Any unread Messages, Letters, and Forms that have been sent to you in the portal are organized in the To Do List.

Click the icon for an item to view it. Items you complete on the To Do List are moved to the History tab.


To Do List

Completing the Daily COVID-19 Health Check

For the person’s (student/staff) record you are viewing, you can start the Daily COVID-19 Health Check process from either the To Do List or the blue "Daily Health Check(s) For" banner at the top of the Health Portal screen.

To start the health check from the To Do List, click the    Form icon on the row for the Daily COVID-19 Health Check.

Refer to the article Working With the Daily COVID-19 Health Check Questionnaire for more information about how to complete the Daily COVID-19 Health Check.
 Note: The Daily Health Check Questionnaire is not saved on the History tab.

Viewing a Message

Messages directly from your district (for example, from the school nurse) may also be sent through the Health Portal and will show in your To Do List until you view them. To view a message, click the  Message icon to open the View Message page. You can print or reply to the message.

Viewing Notices

Overdue immunizations and medications needing a refill may show in Notices (depending on district settings). The notices disappear when the student record is updated. If the student Diabetes Blood Glucose Readings are documented, recent readings may appear below the Notices.