Families and district staff use the Frontline Health Portal to complete the Daily COVID-19 Health Check. Please refer to the following directions to set up and activate your account.
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Accessibility5-Step Activation
Viewing the Health Portal
Health Check Questionnaire
Families can access their student school-based health records, receive messages, and complete other forms regarding their students. Just keep in mind that your district determines your level of access to view these records.
If you have not previously activated your Health Portal account, you must do so before you can use it.
For questions about information in the Frontline Health Portal, please contact your school district.
Completing the 5-Step Activation
You received a Health Portal letter from your district with the website address for the district’s Health Portal. This letter includes your students’ identification number (ID) as designated by your district. *If you do not have this information, please contact your school district before continuing this process.
In the Health Portal letter, select the link to open the Health Portal Login screen.
On the Health Portal Login screen, select “Activate Account” to open the “Step 1 Activate your account” screen. This selection will begin the first phase of a 5-step activation process.
Please review each tab below as you complete these steps.
Temporary Password (Step 1)
Enter Your Email (on File)
Once you select the link to open the “Step 1 Activate your account” screen, enter your Email Address. *Be sure you are using the email address that is on file with the district. Next, click Send me a temporary password.
The “Email has been sent” message displays.
Access Your Email Inbox
Go to your inbox for your email and locate the email message with the Subject: “Your temporary password from Frontline Health Portal”. Select the link provided in the email message with your temporary password to go to the Health Portal Login screen.
If you haven’t received this message in 15 minutes, check your Spam folder. If did not receive the message, contact your school district.
Enter your Username, which is the email address on file with the school district. In the Password field, enter your temporary password. Click Log In. The “Step 2 Update Your Password” screen opens.
You are now ready for Step 2! Reference the "Step 2" tab above to proceed with your walkthrough.
Update Your Password (Step 2)
Enter your Temporary Password from the email you received, then enter your New Password and repeat your entry in the Confirm New Password field. Click Update my password.
The “Your password has been updated” message displays.
Click Continue to Terms of Use to open the “Step 3 Review our Terms of Use” screen.
You are now ready for Step 3! Reference the "Step 3" tab above to proceed with your walkthrough.
Terms of Use (Step 3)
Review the Frontline Portal Terms of Use and Electronic Services Agreement (ESA) on the screen. Then, select the checkbox beside "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Electronic Service Agreement."
Enter your name in the field and click the Agree & Sign button to display the “Agreement Confirmed” screen.
This selection will display the “Agreement Confirmed” screen.
You are now ready for Step 4! Reference the "Step 4" tab above to proceed with your walkthrough.
Assign Students (Step 4)
How you proceed next depends on whether you are a family member or district staff.
In the Families box, click Continue to Assign Students to open the “Step 4 Assign student(s) to your account” screen.
Enter the Student’s Last Name, Student’s School ID, and Student’s Date of Birth.
Click Add this student.
Repeat this for each student you wish to add, and when you are finished, click I’m done adding students.
You are now ready for Step 5! Reference the "Step 5" tab above to proceed with your walkthrough.
In the Staff box, if you are staff without a student in the district, click Complete Account Activation.
You are now ready for Step 5! Reference the "Step 5" tab above to proceed with your walkthrough.
Account Activated (Step 5)
Once you finalize Steps 1-4, the system will display the “Your account has been activated” message. Click Take me to Frontline Health Portal to go to the Health Portal.
Viewing the Health Portal
Health Check Questionnaire
Use one of these methods to start the Daily Health Check Process:
- Click Start for the person’s name in the blue “Daily Health Check(s) For” banner at the top of the Health Portal screen.
- For the person’s record you are viewing, click the Form icon in the To Do List on the row for the Daily COVID-19 Health Check.